Métodos Analíticos LMS (Lake Michigan Study) |
Lake Michigan Study (LMS) |
Proyecto de Balance
de Masas del Lago Michigan Ciertas substancias tóxicas se acumulan o persisten en los Grandes Lagos porque, al contrario de los ríos que siempre se limpian con aguas limpias, los lagos actúan como "depósitos de contaminantes". Una gota de agua que entre en el lago Michigan hoy se quedará en el lago durante unos 100 años antes de que se evapore o se vierta en el lago Huron a través de los Estrechos de Mackinac. Si se trata de una partícula de suelo, el tiempo de retención es mucho, mucho más largo. A no ser que un contaminante se degrade a compuestos inocuos, persiste como un riesgo ambiental. Los temas relacionados con la salud humana se centran en los productos químicos que se colecta o "bioacumulan" en peces y/o otros organismos acuáticos. Ciertos contaminantes bioacumulativos de interés (BCCs) están presentes en los peces del lago Michigan a concentraciones que superan las tolerancias ó guías sanitarias de la U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Esta situación ha resultado en el cierre de pesquerías comerciales y la creación de alertas sobre el consumo de pescado. El Estudio de Balance de Masas del Lago Michigan (LMMB) se centra en cuatro contaminantes: PCBs, trans-nonachlor, atrazina, y mercurio. Estas substancias se estudian porque son representativas de clases de contaminantes (p.ej. pesticidas, herbicidas, metales, etc.) de significado ambiental en el Lago Michigan y a través de los Grandes Lagos. Los métodos aquí compendiados pueden resultar de interés para el diseño o el proyecto de otros estudios similares, o pueden usarse los métodos descritos si son de aplicabilidad directa. |
LMS: Parte 1 | En este apartado se resumen las técnicas de toma de muestras en aire, agua, sedimentos, plankton y pescado. | ||
Aire | |||
Técnicas de Tomas de Muestras en Aire. | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB001 | Standard Operating Procedure for Air Sampling for Semivolatile Organic Contaminants Using the Organics High-Volume Sampler (Sweet, C.) |
110 Kb |
LMMB002 | Standard Operating Procedure for Precipitation Sampling Using XAD-2 and MIC Collectors (Sweet, C.) | 65 Kb | |
LMMB003 | Standard Operating Procedure for Air Sampling for Metals Using the Dichotomous Sampler (Sweet, C.) | 72 Kb | |
LMMB004 | Standard Operating Procedure for Sampling Trace Metals in Precipitation Using Modified Aerochem Collectors (Vermette, S. and Sweet, C.) | 80 Kb | |
LMMB005 | Metals Cleaning Procedures for Teflon Bottles and Rigid HDPE (Vermette, S. and Sweet, C.) | 18 Kb | |
LMMB006 | Standard Operating Procedure for Sampling of Vapor Phase Mercury (Keeler, G. and Landis, M.) | 59 Kb | |
LMMB007 | Standard Operating Procedure for Sampling of Mercury in Precipitation (Keeler, G and Landis, M.) | 79 Kb | |
LMMB008 | Standard Operating Procedure for Sampling of Particulate Phase Mercury (Keeler, G. and Landis, M.) | 70 Kb | |
LMMB009 | Standard Operating Procedure for Dry Deposition Sampling: Dry Deposition of Atmospheric Particles (Paode, R. and Holsen, T.) | 61 Kb | |
Agua | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras en Agua | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB010 | Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Collection of Atrazine and Atrazine Metabolites (Eisenreich, S., Schottler, S., and Hines, N.) |
46 Kb |
LMMB011 | HOC Sampling Media Preparation and Handling; XAD-2 Resin and GF/F Filters (Crecelius, E. and Lefkovitz, L.) | 18 Kb | |
LMMB012 | Standard Operating Procedure for Site Selection and Sampling for Mercury in Lakewater (Mason, R. and Sullivan, K.) | 70 Kb | |
LMMB013 | Field Sampling Using the Rosette Sampler (Warren, G.) | 25 Kb | |
LMMB014 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Sampling of Particulate-Phase and Dissolved-Phase Organic Carbon in Great Lakes Waters (Grace Analytical Lab) | 16 Kb | |
LMMB015 | Standard Operating Procedure for Chlorophyll-a Sampling Method: Field Procedure (Grace Analytical Lab) | 11 Kb | |
LMMB016 | Standard Operating Procedure for Primary Productivity Using 14C: Field Procedure (Grace Analytical Lab) | 42 Kb | |
LMMB017 | USGS Field Operation Plan: Tributary Monitoring (USGS/Eisenreich, S.) | 12 Kb | |
LMMB018 | Trace Metal and Mercury Sampling Methods for Lake Michigan Tributaries (Shafer, M.) | 65 Kb | |
Sedimentos | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras en Sedimentos | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB019 | Standard Operating Procedure for Collection of Sediment Samples (Edgington, D. and Robbins, J.) |
12 Kb |
LMMB020 | Trap Sample Splitting (wet): Use of Sediment Traps for the Measurement of Particle and Associated Contaminant Fluxes (Eadie, B.) | 19 Kb | |
Plankton | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras en Plankton | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB021 | Standard Operating Procedure for Sampling Lake Michigan Lower Pelagic Foodchain for PCBs, Nonachlor, and Mercury (Swackhamer, D., Trowbridge, A., and Nater, E.) |
59 Kb |
LMMB022 | Sampling Procedure for Collection of Benthic Invertebrates for Contaminant Analysis (Warren, G.) | 20 Kb | |
LMMB023 | Standard Operating Procedure for Phytoplankton Sample Collection and Preservation (Grace Analytical Lab) | 11 Kb | |
LMMB024 | Standard Operating Procedure for Zooplankton Sample Collection and Preservation (Grace Analytical Lab) | 8 Kb | |
Pescado | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras en Pescado | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB025 | Fish Processing Method (Hesselberg, R.) |
21 Kb |
LMMB026 | Quality Assurance Project Plan for Lake Trout and Forage Fish Sampling for Diet Analysis and/or Contaminant Analysis (Brown, E. and Eck, G.) | 927 Kb | |
LMMB027 | Quality Assurance Project Plan for Coho Sampling for Contaminant and Diet Analysis (Holey, M. and Elliott, R.) | 150 Kb | |
LMS: Parte 2 | En este apartado se resumen las técnicas analíticas para mercurio y compuestos orgánicos. | ||
Compuestos Orgánicos | |||
Técnicas Analíticas para Compuestos Orgánicos | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB028 | Instrumental Analysis and Quantitation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Atrazine: IADN Project (Cortes, D. and Brubaker, W.) |
383 Kb |
LMMB029 | Analysis of PCBs and Pesticides in Air and Precipitation Samples : IADN Project - Gas Chromatography Procedure (Basu, I.) | 584 Kb | |
LMMB030 | Analysis of PCBs, Pesticides, and PAHs in Air and Precipitation Samples: IADN Project - Sample Preparation Procedure (Basu, I.) | 193 Kb | |
LMMB031 | Analysis of PCBs, Pesticides, and PAHs in Air and Precipitation Samples: Sample Preparation Procedures (Harlin, K. and Surratt, K.) | 171 Kb | |
LMMB032 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of PAHs and Atrazine by GC/Ion Trap MS (Peters, C. and Harlin, K.) | 131 Kb | |
LMMB033 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of PCBs and Organochlorine Pesticides by GC-ECD (Harlin, K., Surratt, K., and Peters, C.) Appendix C | 96 Kb | |
LMMB034 | Standard Operating Procedure for Isolation, Extraction and Analysis of Atrazine, DEA and DIA (Eisenreich, S., Schottler, S., and Hines, N.) | 26 Kb | |
LMMB035 | Standard Operating Procedures for Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Dry Deposition Samples (Eisenreich, S. and Franz, T.) | 25 Kb | |
LMMB036 | Extraction and Cleanup of XAD-2 Resin Cartridges for Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Trans-Nonachlor (Crecelius, E. and Lefkovitz, L.) | 67 Kb | |
LMMB037 | Extraction and Cleanup of Glass Fiber Filters for Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Trans-Nonachlor (Crecelius, E. and Lefkovitz, L.) | 65 Kb | |
LMMB038 | PCB Congener Analysis of XAD-2 Resins and GFF Filters Using GC/ECD (Crecelius, E. and Lefkovitz, L.) | 335 Kb | |
LMMB039 | PCBs and Pesticides in Surface Water by XAD-2 Resin Extraction (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 87 Kb | |
LMMB040 | Extraction and Cleanup of Sediments for Semivolatile Organics Following the Internal Standard Method (Van Hoof, P. and Hsieh, J.) | 31 Kb | |
LMMB041 | Extraction and Cleanup of Sediments for Semivolatile Organics Following the Internal Standard Method (Van Hoof, P. and Hsieh, J.) | 49 Kb | |
LMMB042 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of PCB Congeners by GC/ECD and Trans-Nonachlor by GC/MS/ECNI (Swackhamer, D., Trowbridge, A., and Nater, E.) | 100 Kb | |
LMMB043 | Extraction and Lipid Separation of Fish Samples for Contaminant Analysis and Lipid Determination (Schmidt, L.) | 26 Kb | |
LMMB044 | Analysis of Total PCBs and PCB Congeners and Trans-nonachlor in Fish by Gas Chromatography/Negative Chemical Ionization Single Ion Mass Spectrometry (Schmidt, L.) | 37 Kb | |
Appendix C | Appendix C-1. PCB Sequence | 382 Kb | |
Mercurio | |||
Técnicas Analíticas para Mercurio | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB045 | Standard Operating Procedure for Analysis of Vapor Phase Mercury (Keeler, G. and Landis, M.) |
85 Kb |
LMMB046 | Standard Operating Procedure for Analysis of Mercury in Precipitation (Keeler, G. and Landis, M.) | 45 Kb | |
LMMB047 | Standard Operating Procedure for Analysis of Particulate Phase Mercury (Keeler, G. and Landis, M.) | 47 Kb | |
LMMB048 | Standard Operating Procedure for Mercury Analysis (Mason, R. and Sullivan, K.) | 25 Kb | |
LMMB049 | Total Mercury Analysis in Aqueous Samples (Hurley, J.) | 85 Kb | |
LMMB050 | Standard Operating Procedure for Analysis of Sediment for Total Mercury Using the Cold Vapor Technique with the Leeman Labs, Inc. Automated Mercury System (Uscinowicz, T. and Rossmann, R.) | 70 Kb | |
LMMB051 | Mercury in Plankton (Nater, E. and Cook, B.) | 23 Kb | |
LMMB052 | Versatile Combustion-Amalgamation Technique for the Photometric Determination of Mercury in Fish and Environmental Samples (Willford, W., Hesselberg, R., and Bergman, H.) | 92 Kb | |
LMMB053 | Analysis of Fish for Total Mercury (Nriagu, J.) | 23 Kb | |
LMS: Parte 3 | En este apartado se resumen las técnicas de toma de muestras de metales, convencionales, radioquímica, biomonitoreo y en navegación. | ||
Metales | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras de Metales | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB054 | Laboratory Methods for ICP-MS Analysis of Trace Metals in Precipitation (Talbot, J. and Weiss, A.) |
71 Kb |
LMMB055 | Standard Operating Procedures for Preparation, Handling and Extraction of Dry Deposition Plates: Dry Deposition of Atmospheric Particles (Paode, R. and Holsen, T.) | 56 Kb | |
LMMB056 | Standard Operating Procedure for EPA’s LBL Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (Kellogg, R.) | 194 Kb | |
LMMB057 | Analysis of Surface Waters for Trace Elements by Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (Shafer, M. and Overdier, J.) | 164 Kb | |
Convencionales | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras de Convencionales | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB058 | ESS Method 130.1: General Auto Analyzer Procedures (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) |
21 Kb |
LMMB059 | ESS Method 200.5: Determination of Inorganic Anions in Water by Ion Chromatography (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 33 Kb | |
LMMB060 | ESS Method 140.4: Chloride - Automated Flow Injection Analysis (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 43 Kb | |
LMMB061 | ESS Method 220.3: Ammonia Nitrogen and Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen, Automated Flow Injection Analysis Method (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 32 Kb | |
LMMB062 | ESS Method 230.1: Total Phosphorus and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Semi-Automated Method (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 32 Kb | |
LMMB063 | ESS Method 310.1: Ortho-Phosphorus, Dissolved Automated, Ascorbic Acid (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 36 Kb | |
LMMB064 | ESS Method 310.2: Phosphorus, Total, Low Level (Persulfate Digestion) (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 41 Kb | |
LMMB065 | ESS Method 340.2: Total Suspended Solids, Mass Balance (Dried at 103-105°C) Volatile Suspended Solids (Ignited at 550°C) (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 29 Kb | |
LMMB066 | Outline of Standard Protocols for DOC Analyses (Shafer, M.) | ||
LMMB067 | Outline of Standard Protocols for Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Analyses (Baldino, R.) | 20 Kb | |
LMMB068 | ESS Method 360.2: Silica Dissolved, Automated, Colorimetric (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 37 Kb | |
LMMB069 | ESS Method 360.3: Silica, Dissolved, Micro Level Automated, Colorimetric (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 54 Kb | |
LMMB070 | ESS Method 370.2: Sulfates Colorimetric, Automated, Methylthymol Blue (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 26 Kb | |
LMMB071 | ESS Method 370.3: Sulfates Colorimetric, Automated Flow Injection, Methylthymol Blue (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 30 Kb | |
LMMB072 | Standard Operating Procedure for Chloride and Silica in Lake Water (Lachat Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) | 39 Kb | |
LMMB073 | Standard Operating Procedure for Dissolved Reactive Phosphorous (Lachat Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) | 32 Kb | |
LMMB074 | Standard Operating Procedure for Ammonia (Lachat Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) | 29 Kb | |
LMMB075 | Standard Operating Procedure for Nitrate, Nitrite (Lachat Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) | 39 Kb | |
LMMB076 | Standard Operating Procedure for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (Lachat Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) | 35 Kb | |
LMMB077 | Standard Operating Procedure for Total and Dissolved Phosphorous (Lachat Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) | 39 Kb | |
LMMB078 | Analysis of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in Air Samples: Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) TSP/TOC Procedure (Wassouf, M. and Basu, I.) | 24 Kb | |
LMMB079 | Standard Operating Procedures for Determining Total Phosphorus, Available Phosphorus, and Biogenic Silica Concentrations of Lake Michigan Sediments and Sediment Trap Material (Johengen, T.) | 27 Kb | |
LMMB080 | Standard Operating Procedure for Perkin Elmer CHN Analyzer (Model 2400) (Eadie, B.) | 19 Kb | |
LMMB081 | Quality Assurance Plan for the Use of Sediment Traps (Eadie, B.) | 23 Kb | |
Radioquímica | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras para Radioquímica | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB082 | Standard Operating Procedure for Primary Productivity Using 14C: Laboratory Procedures (Grace Analytical Lab) |
33 Kb |
LMMB083 | LProtocol for Standard Analysis for Cesium-137 (Robbins, J. and Edgington, D.) | 9 Kb | |
LMMB084 | Determination of the Activity of Lead-210 in Sediments and Soils (Edgington, D. and Robbins, J.) | 20 Kb | |
Biomonitoreo | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras para Seguimiento Biológico | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB085 | Standard Operating Procedure for Chlorophyll-a and Pheophytin-a (Turner Designs Method) (Grace Analytical Lab) |
34 Kb |
LMMB086 | ESS Method 150.1: Chlorophyll - Spectrophotometric (Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene) | 33 Kb | |
LMMB087 | Standard Operating Procedure for Phytoplankton Analysis (Grace Analytical Lab) | 77 Kb | |
LMMB088 | Standard Operating Procedure for Zooplankton Analysis (Grace Analytical Lab) | 84 Kb | |
LMMB089 | Quality Assurance Project Plan: Diet Analysis for Forage Fish (Davis, B. and Savino, J.) | 111 Kb | |
En Navegación | |||
Técnicas de Toma de Muestras en Lancha | |||
Método | Descripción | Tamaño | |
LMMB090 | Standard Operating Procedure for GLNPO Turbidity: Nephelometric Method (Palmer, M.) |
25 Kb |
LMMB091 | Standard Operating Procedure for GLNPO Total Alkalinity Titration (Palmer, M.) | 18 Kb | |
LMMB092 | Standard Operating Procedure for Electrometric pH (Palmer, M.) | 19 Kb | |
LMMB093 | Standard Operating Procedure for Meteorological Data Aboard the R/V Lake Guardian (Palmer, M.) | 8 Kb | |
LMMB094 | Standard Operating Procedure for GLNPO Specific Conductance: Conductivity Bridge (Palmer, M.) | 22 Kb | |
LMMB095 | Total Hardness Titration (Palmer, M.) | 6 Kb | |
LMMB096 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of Dissolved-Phase Organic Carbon in Great Lakes Waters (Grace Analytical Lab) | 73 Kb | |
LMMB097 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of Particulate-Phase Organic Carbon in Great Lakes Waters (Grace Analytical Lab) | 47 Kb | |
LMMB098 | Standard Operating Procedure for the Sampling and Analysis of Total Suspended Solids in Great Lakes Waters (Grace Analytical Lab) | 17 Kb |
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