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Dispensador Digital Programable eVol

eVol es un sistema dispensador de desplazamiento positivo controlado digitalmente y programable que permite una amplia variedad de procedimientos para la manipulación de líquidos y nuevas aplicaciones:

  • Preparación de Estándares de Calibración

  • Adición de Patrones Internos

  • Dosificación precisa de líquidos no acuosos

  • Dilución de muestras

  • Clean-up y concentración de muestras con MEPS

  • Calibración muy fácil y exacta

eVol. ¿Cómo Funciona?

Dosificación de líquidos independiente del usuario
A diferencia de los sistemas basados en desplazamientos de aire, como las pipetas,
eVol® es la solución perfecta para aspirar y dispensar líquidos acuosos y no acuosos.
dispone de una interfase usuario basada en una familiar Rueda Táctil y una pantalla a todo color.
El menú inteligente permite que todas las funciones sean accesibles lógica y rápidamente.
Las funciones programables son intuitivas e incluyen advertencias y pantallas de ayuda.

La primera jeringa analítica calibrada por el usuario
Para cumplir con los estándares de laboratorio más exigentes (como, por ejemplo, GLP, GMP, FDA) eVol® puede calibrarse fácilmente para asegurar una dosificación precisa en todo momento.
El procedimiento de calibración gravimétrica es simple, intuitivo y puede efectuarse a intervalos apropiados.
Pueden almacenarse los datos de calibración para hasta 10 jeringas
®: los datos se cargan rápidamente al cambiar de jeringa.

Ventajas básicas
El motor programable de control digital permite que la manipulación de líquidos sea independiente del usuario, con
procesos más eficientes y una disminución de los análisis de comprobación de falsos positivos o con errores de procedimiento.
Las jeringas analíticas pueden cambiarse de manera fácil y rápida permitiendo su uso dedicado a líquidos determinados para prevenir y evitar posibles contaminaciones cruzadas de reactivos

Mejore su flujo de trabajo con eVol®
  PROCESO   Sin eVol®   Con eVol®   eVol® Ventajas  
  Preparación de Estándares   Los estándares se preparan en un matraz de gran volumen del que se suministran alícuotas individuales en los viales del inyector automático.   Los estándares se hacen directamente en el vial, incluyendo el solvente de dilución.   • Menor uso de vidrio
• reduce los residuos
• Ahorro de tiempo
• Mayor Precisión y Reproducibilidad
  Adición de Estándares   Pequeñas cantidades de estándares se aspiran y dispensan en todas las muestras antes de ser transferidos al vial del inyector automático.   Una aspiración y series rápidas de dispensaciones repetidas y precisas directamente en los viales.   • Ahorro de tiempo
• Mayor Precisión y Reproducibilidad
  Suministro de Derivatizantes   Trabajo bajo campana con materiales potencialmente peligrosos para preparar combinaciones de derivatizantes en viales abiertos.   El proceso se completa con  eVol® programado para aspirar una cantidad de solvente o reactivo y dispensar alícuotas en viales cerrados. Operación efectuada con una sola mano.   • Mayor seguridad del operador, menores pérdidas y riesgo de salpicaduras
• Mayor ergonomía en campana
• Mayor Precisión y Reproducibilidad
• Menor uso de vidrio
  Diluciones en Serie   Transferencia de pequeñas cantidades de disolución a otro contenedor. Adición de solvente para alcanzar el volumen requerido. Repetición múltiple para obtener la concentración final precisa.   Una aspiración de la solución se puede dispensar directamente en el solvente para alcanzar la concentración precisa deseada.   • Flujo de trabajo más simple
• Ahorro de tiempo
• Mayor Precisión
• Menor uso de solventes
• Menor uso de vidrio
MEPS   Los cartuchos no pueden reutilizarse y requieren mucho tiempo y solventes   MEPS es semi automático, se pueden reusar los adsorbentes y se usan cantidades mínimas de solventes   • Flujo de trabajo más simple
• Ahorro de tiempo
• Mayor Precisión
• Menor uso de solventes
• Menor uso de vidrio
¡Nuevo Firmware 2011!
Las mejoras introducidas en el nuevo firmware eVol® 2011 recogen todas las sugerencias de los usuarios...
  • Un nuevo modo de aspiración y dispensación lenta "time moved", especialmente útil en titulaciones y control de velocidades de reacción
  • Opciones de Protección de Escritura y Protección por Clave adecuadas para la Industria Farmacéutica y usuarios con GLP u otras necesidades de acreditación
  • Una nueva jeringa X-Change de 100 uL que ofrece mayor flexibilidad y mejor flujo de trabajo en el laboratorio
  • Doble el número de jeringas, métodos y programas especiales que pueden almacenarse (hasta 20)
  • Pantallas de ayuda en ruso, además de las actualmente disponibles (Chino, Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Japonés y Español)
  • Mejoras en la indicación de vida de la batería, y pregunta "save custom program" para prevenir la pérdida accidental de programas no guardados

Los usuarios con eVol® versión 2010 puede solicitar la actualización a la versión 2011 AQUI.

¡Nuevo eVol para NMR!  
eVol® Kit NMR edition
  • Incluye Motor eVol®
  • Alimentador Universal
  • Soporte Estándar
  • Manuales y CD
  • 3 jeringas eVol® XCHANGE®:
    • 5μL con aguja de 115mm
    • 50μL con aguja de 115mm y 180mm
    • 500μL con aguja de 115mm y 180mm
  • Firmware 2011

Código de Producto 2910100

¡Nuevo eVol XR!  
eVol® Kit XR edition
eVol® dispone de un motor más potente y firmware pasa usar la nueva jeringa de 1mL y aumentar su rango operativo.
  • Incluye Motor eVol® XR
  • Alimentador Universal
  • Soporte Estándar
  • Manuales y CD
  • 3 jeringas eVol® XCHANGE®:
    • 5μL con aguja de 50mm,
    • 100μL con aguja de 50mm
    • 1000μL con aguja de 50mm
  • Firmware 2011

Código de Producto 2910200

Prestaciones y Especificaciones

Sólo tres jeringas XCHANGE®  para dosificar líquidos de 0.2 a 1000 μL

Las aplicaciones típicas de un sistema eVol® incluyen:

Rango de
Volumen μL

Escala mm

Jeringa μL


0.2-5 25.4 5


2-50 25.4 50  
4-100 25.4 100  
20-500 25.4 500  
50-1000 25.4 1000  

Preparación de Estándares de Calibración, Adición de Patrones Internos, Dosificación precisa de líquidos no acuosos, Manipulación de Líquidos Viscosos, Tóxicos o Corrosivos, Dilución de muestras, Clean-up y concentración de muestras con MEPS...

Concepto eVol®



eVol® Kit (2910000).

Incluye jeringa eVol® (2910005), Alimentador (2910012), Soporte (2910010) y 3 jeringas eVol® XCHANGE® de 5, 50 y 500μL (2910020, 2910022, 2910024).

Las jeringas eVol® XCHANGE® de 5 y 50μL pueden usarse conjuntamente con las agujas BIN de MEPS para cleanUp o preconcentración de muestras por EFS en jeringa.

El Stand Cargador para 1 eVol® (2910030) es opcional.

Código Descripción


eVol® Kit. Incluye eVol®, Alimentador Universal, Soporte Estándar y 3 jeringas eVol® XCHANGE® (5, 50 y 500μL)

2910100 eVol® Kit NMR. Incluye eVol®, Alimentador Universal, Soporte Estándar y 3 jeringas eVol® XCHANGE® (5μL con aguja de 11.5cm, 50μL con aguja de 11.5cm y 18cm y 500μL con aguja de 11.5cm y 18cm).
2910200 eVol® XR. Incluye eVol® XR, Alimentador Universal, Soporte Estándar y 3 jeringas eVol® XCHANGE® (5μL,  100μL y 1000μL con aguja de 50mm).
2910005 Motor eVol® sin jeringa electrónica XCHANGE®. Requiere una Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®
2910010 Soporte eVol® Estándar
2910012 Cargador Universal
2910020 Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 5μL
2910022 Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 50μL, para MEPS
2910028 ¡Nuevo! Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 100μL, para MEPS
2910029 ¡Nuevo! Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 100μL
2910024 Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 500μL
2910026 ¡Nuevo! Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 500μL, para MEPS
2910035 ¡Nuevo! Jeringa eVOL® XCHANGE®, 1000μL. NOTA: sólo compatible con eVol® XR
2910030 Cargador-Soporte stand para 1 eVol®
Publicaciones Disponibles Resumen Ver Tamaño
eVol XR - Every One an Expert Ahora con jeringa XCHANGE de 10 mL 465 Kb
eVol. Cada Usuario, un experto eVol® son dos instrumentos de precisión en uno: un motor con control electrónico digital y una jeringa analítica con adaptador XCHANGE®... 125 Kb
eVol. Digitally-Controlled Analytical Syringe Existing liquid handling problems: Pipettors cannot be used for dispensing non-aqueous, viscous or hazardous liquids. Only positive displacement... 1076 Kb
Manual eVol. Español Gracias por comprar la Jeringa Analítica Automática eVol®. Ahora tiene la habilidad de automatizar procesos manuales! Usted irá a disfrutar de la excelencia de eVol® incorporando nuevas características las cuales no están disponibles en ningún otro dispositivo de dispensación manual... 873 Kb
eVol Kit. Detalles de Producto Contents of eVol® Kit (Part No: 2910000). Initially eVol® will be supplied in a kit which includes the following components... 448 Kb
eVol Kit NMR. Detalles de Producto

eVol® NMR Edition allows accurate manipulation of small volumes of NMR samples enabling dilution directly in the analysis tube – even in tubes with the smallest internal diameters. eVol® facilitates in-tube sample mixing and enables recovery of precious samples allowing them to be stored in alternative vessels (such as inexpensive vials) rather than being left in valuable tubes. These tubes can now be emptied using eVol®, for washing and re-use.

318 Kb
eVol Pack Informativo

eVol®, Propuesta de Valor: Para laboratorios que han de dispensar repetidamente líquidos no
acuosos, eVol® es un instrumento de desplazamiento positivo de control digital que mejora la
eficacia del laboratorio y mejora la fiabilidad de los resultados. A diferencia de otros dispensadores
de laboratorio, eVol®
es un dispensador manual único que puede ser fácilmente calibrado para dispensar líquidos de manera precisa y exacta independientemente da la habilidad del usuario.

260 Kb

Aplicación de Micro-SPE (MEPS) ON-LINE y OFF-LINE 

Solid-phase extraction (SPE) has revolutionized sample preparation. Variations on the technique offer enhanced recovery, greater speciation and reduced solvent and sample consumption over other techniques. Micro-Extraction Packed Sorbent (MEPS) is the miniaturization of conventional SPE from milliliter to microliter bed volumes that allows SPE to be used with very small samples. The manipulation of the small volumes is achieved with a precision gas tight syringe. With a typical void volume of 7μL, the MEPS elution is compatible with GC and LC inlets making it ideal for integration into an automated sampling system for on-line SPE.

771 Kb

Preparación de Muestras ON-SITE usando MEPS para Análisis de Agua Residual

MEPS uses a barrel insert and needle (BIN) device to reduce Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) to a micro-scale suitable for small volume samples and for the on-line adaptation of conventional SPE techniques. Because the SPE cartridge (BIN) is incorporated into the needle assembly of a gas-tight syringe, MEPS is also a simple field-portable  SPE device that may be operated manually without need for sampling pumps or, alternatively, may be incorporated into robotic samplers.

254 Kb

MEPS para Contaminantes y Muestras de Pequeño Volumen

MEPS extraction was performed by diluting 100 μL of a 10-100 ppb standard with 900 μL of water.

• The whole sample was extracted on a C18 MEPS cartridge conditioned with methanol and water.

• The sorbent was dried and eluted sequentially with 10 μL of isopropanol and 10 μL of dichloromethane into the same vial.

• A 1 μL portion of the eluate was separated on a BPX5 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d. with a 0.25 μm film thickness (SGE Analytical Science) in a 6890 GC-5973N MSD (Agilent Technologies) fitted with an ETP 14642 electron multiplier.

• Injection was splitless at a temperature of 250 °C.

• The carrier gas was helium with a nominal flowrate of 1.3 mL/min in constant flowrate mode and a nominal inlet pressure of 10.8 psi.

506 Kb
Extraction of Phenols from Waste Water using Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent (MEPS). MEPS is the miniaturization of conventional SPE from milliliter to microliter bed volumes that allows SPE to be used with very small samples. The manipulation of the small volumes is achieved with a precision gas tight syringe.
With a typical void volume of 7 μL, the MEPS elution is compatible with GC and LC inlets making it ideal for integration into an automated sampling system for on-line SPE.
To demonstrate the usefulness of MEPS for dilute samples with a relatively simple matrix, a surrogate wastewater sample was prepared from clear phenol free waste water spiked with either 25 ppb or 250 ppt phenols.
345 Kb
The Micro-Extraction and Detection of Phenolic Anti-Oxidants from Cereal Products Using MEPS™-GCMS. Synthetic phenolic antioxidants are increasingly rejected as acceptable food additives because of their demonstrable or suspected adverse effects on human health. Among the compounds of concern are the butylated hydroxyphenols such as butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA) and bisphenol A. Simple methods for
the removal of food matrices are necessary for the detection of these compounds in regulatory compliance programmes. Micro-extraction Packed Sorbent (MEPS™) is a solid-phase technique that allows rapid sample extraction by reducing the volume of sample processed. Because the sorbent device is incorporated directly into a liquid handling syringe, it may also used with robotic autosamplers for on-line chromatographic analysis. In this example, rice crackers manufactured with sunflower oil that was stabilized with BHA
Measuring Fruit Juice Adulteration by Changes in Flavonoid Content Using MEPS™ and HPLC. Cranberry and blueberry juice are notable example of functional foods that may be eroded in value by dilution or adulteration with lower value products. The cranberry is known as a source of polyphenolic antioxidants (including anthocyanidin flavonoids, cyanidin, peonidin and quercetin) and is the subject of investigation for potential anti-cancer properties and its effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems. The tannins are reputed to reduce urinary tract infections, exhibit anticlotting properties and reduce gingivitis. Other fruits are also known or reputed
to have functional characteristics and therefore of high value. A rapid Micro-Extraction Packet Sorbent (MEPS™) method is described for extracting and concentrating the phenolic components from a variety of commercial fruit juices. The juice was passed through a C8 or C18 MEPS™ cartridge and the retained fraction eluted with methanol for direct injection into a HPLC and analysis on a ProteCo™l C18 GP125 column using a 0.1 % v/v aqueous trifluoroacetic acid – methanol mobile phase. Detection of the phenolic fraction at 350 nm was used to generate a characteristic profile for each species of fruit. The method allowed profiling of fruit juice and the detection of diluents or juice mixtures. Because the solid-phase step is flowrate dependant, the small sample and elution volumes of MEPS™ allow rapid sample extraction that may be completed in realtime with the HPLC analysis.

Aplicación de MEPS acoplado a GC-TOF MS en el Análisis de Retardantes de Llama Bromados en Agua Residual

In last years, miniaturized analytical techniques had gained attention due to its many special
features over classical approaches. Among many advantages, usage of little or no solvent,
increasing of sensitivity of analysis and user-friendly system, should be pointed out. Micro
extraction in packed sorbent (MEPS) is a new technique for miniaturized solid-phase extraction that
can be connected online to gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC) without other sample pre-treatment.1-4 The sample (10–250 μL) is withdrawn through the syringe by an autosampler. When the sample has passed through the solid support, the analytes are adsorbed to
the solid phase packed in a barrel insert and needle (BIN). The solid phase is washed afterwards by water to remove any interfering material, and the elution of analytes is performed directly into the instrument’s injector by organic solvent (in case of GC), or the LC mobile phase. The large injected volume, typically from 10 to 50 μL, may imply the use of programmed temperature vaporiser (PTV) and large volume injection (LVI). Moreover, a large variety of special packed materials in BIN, such restricted access material (RAM) or molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs), can be used.

283 Kb

The Extraction and Analysis of Urinary Antitussive Metabolites using MEPS™ and ESI-LCMSn

Microextraction Packed Sorbent (MEPS™) is an adaptation of SPE into a miniaturized device with a typical void volume of less than 10 μL. With operating volumes of this scale and its compatibility with autosampler syringes, MEPS™ allows the specificity of the solid-phase process to be harnessed for digital chromatography using discontinuous changes in solvent polarity. The eluant volumes are sufficiently small to be injected directly into a HPLC system and therefore permit the on-line use of solid-phase extraction methodology in real time with the HPLC.

122 Kb

MEPS: A New Technique for the Analyisis of Small Brominated and Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds in Wine

The wine industry has long suffered from TCA (2,4,6-trichloroanisole) and TBA (2,4,6 tribromoanisole) contamination or “cork” taint. These compounds more recently has been found to be present in corks, packaging material, cardboard boxes, wooden products and many other materials. Only 1-2 ng/l of TCA or TBA is required to give wine the “musty” aroma associated with cork taint. It has been proposed that chlorophenols are the precursor for TCA (Fig1). As dioxins are known to be present as contaminants in chlorophenol formulations (1) they might therefore also be present in the wine corks, a hypothesis that needs further invesitigation. In this work, the analysis of TCA and TBA is performed by a new technique for sample preparation called Microextraction by Packed Sorbent (MEPS). This technique in combination with different GCMS techniques is described below and compared with other methods.

318 Kb

The application of MEPS for the on-site preparation of water samples

MEPS uses a barrel insert and needle (BIN) device to reduce Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) to a micro-scale suitable for small volume samples and for the on-line adaptation of conventional SPE techniques. Because the SPE cartridge (BIN) is incorporated into the needle assembly of a gas-tight syringe, MEPS is also a simple field-portable SPE device that may be operated manually without need for sampling pumps or, alternatively, may be incorporated into robotic samplers.
To demonstrate the application of MEPS we report the qualitative field use of C18-MEPS for the sampling of water bodies in both industrial and urban environments. Water samples were extracted on-site and then the MEPS
syringes were transported back to the laboratory overnight for elution and analysis of the retained components.
C18-MEPS was used to extract samples (100-1000 μL) of water from industrial drains and stormwater pipes to recover semi-volatile residues for GCMS analysis (Fig 1-3). The technique was also applied to sampling droplets on surface extracts of paint for non-destructive surface profiling (Fig 2). Analysis of the unknown samples was qualitative but sufficiently sensitive to detect industrial discharge residues associated with grinding coolants, packaging materials and other contaminants. Naturally occurring leachates from vegetation were also detectable. Droplet extraction of a painted surface was performed in reversed-phase mode (water extract on C18 sorbent) and allowed the surface to be profiled for comparative purposes.

926 Kb

The Integration of Microextraction Packed Sorbent (MEPS) into Multidimensional Strategies

LC-GC approaches to analysis are particularly attractive because they combine the selectivity of solidphase
sorbents in the first dimension with the separating power and peak capacity of a capillary GC column in the second and subsequent dimensions. Widespread use of the technique is limited because of the difficultly in desolvating
the stream from the LC dimension without the solvent vapour passing down the GC column in significant quantity.
An alternative approach to elution chromatography in the first dimension is to harness the specificity of the solid-phase process for digital chromatography using discontinuous changes in solvent polarity (Fig 1). Digital chromatography on a small sorbent bed reduces the volume of mobile phase to discrete plugs that are sufficiently small to be injected directly into a GC with a large volume injector or, alternatively, subsampled into a conventional split/splitless injector.
Microextraction Packed Sorbent (MEPS) is an adaptation of SPE that incorporates all the desirable characteristics
into a miniaturized device with a typical void volume of less than 10 μL. With operating volumes of this scale and its compatibility with autosampler syringes, the MEPS format is the ideal for a digital LC - elution GC approach to analysis.
In this application, we use the selectivity of an argentation sorbent to speciate a mixture of fatty acid methyl
esters on the basis of unsaturation in the first dimension and then to separate groups by conventional non-polar GCMS in the second dimension.

724 Kb

Argentation Based (MEPS) for the Analysis of FAMES by GCMS

Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent (MEPS) is an adaptation of SPE that incorporates all the desirable characteristics into a miniaturized device with a typical void volume of less than 10 μL. With operating volumes of this scale and its compatibility with autosampler syringes, MEPS allows the specificity of the solid-phase process to be harnessed for digital chromatography using discontinuous changes in solvent polarity (Fig 1). The eluant volumes are sufficiently small to be injected directly into a GC with a large volume injector or, alternatively, subsampled into a conventional split/splitless injector and therefore MEPS can be used as a digital LC - elution GC approach to analysis.
In this application, we use the selectivity of an argentation sorbent to speciate a mixture of fatty acid methyl
esters on the basis of unsaturation in the first dimension and then to separate groups by conventional non-polar GCMS in the second dimension.

626 Kb

Microextraction Packed Sorbent (MEPS): Analysis of Food and Beverages

MEPS is a development of conventional SPE that has miniaturised the sorbent bed so that it can be incorporated into the sample path without voids. Typically, a MEPS method reduces sample and reagent consumption by several orders of magnitude over conventional methods. Extraction performance is comparable to conventional SPE because the MEPS sorbent bed retains the same dimensional ratios of the conventional device and adaption of existing methods is achieved by scaling all steps in proportion to the bed volumes (typically 1 mL for SPE and 10 μL for MEPS). The small scale of the MEPS device allows elution in a small volume and so the entire extract may be analyzed rather than only using a portion of the prepared extract in a conventional experimental design. SPE and MEPS are not the same as SPME or SBSE techniques. The former rely on solvent desorption and use a mono-layer extraction surface with a very large surface area. The latter are immobilised liquid extraction techniques that are typically used in thermal desorption mode.

484 Kb
The Extraction of Saliva for The Analysis of Basic Drugs Residues Using MEPS™-GCMS. Oral fluid is considered a desirable sample for regulatory screening of drugs of abuse and for clinical monitoring because it may be collected in a non-invasive fashion when compared with the procedures used for collection of urine and blood. Unlike urine, the appearance of the drug residues in saliva may be directly correlated with plasma drug concentrations. The relatively low concentration of most drugs in saliva and the small sample volume that is typically available for analysis makes micro-extractive techniques both attractive and necessary for this matrix. MEPS™ is a micro-scaled SPE device that is incorporated directly into a liquid handling syringe and may be used
with robotic autosamplers for on-line chromatographic analysis. The small scale of the MEPS™ device is effective
for the extraction of small volume samples and is therefore potentially valuable for the extraction of oral fluids for GC-MS confirmatory analysis. We present here a simple reversed-phase C18-MEPS™ extraction for saliva collected from a patient that had been administered the local anaesthetic mepivacaine for a dental procedure several hours previously.
206 Kb
The Determination of Urinary Metabolites of Dextromethorphan by Meps™-Esi-Lcms.

Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent (MEPS™) is an adaptation of SPE into a miniaturized device with a typical void volume of less than 10 μL. With operating volumes of this scale and its compatibility with autosampler syringes, MEPS™ allows the specificity of the solid-phase process to be harnessed for digital chromatography using discontinuous changes in solvent polarity. The eluant volumes are sufficiently small to be injected directly into a HPLC system and therefore permit the use of solid-phase extraction methodology in real time with the HPLC.
In this application, we describe the analysis of naturally voided human urine samples that were collected following the administration of single doses of dextromethorphan for both the parent drug and its urinary metabolites. The effectiveness of MEPS™ is compared with the same sample prepared off-line using conventional cartridge SPE. The method was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of MEPS™ for extraction
of biological fluids for LCMS analysis

792 Kb

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