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 Columnas Thermo Scientific AccuCore™ UREA-HILIC

Las Columnas de Núcleo Sólido AccuCore se basan en un NUEVO concepto de Tecnología CET (Core Enhanced Technology) de 2.6mm.

  • Fase Hidrofílica ligada

  • Selectividad única en comparación con otras HILIC

  • Baja actividad de intercambio iónico


En modo HILIC la separación ocurre según dos mecanismos. El mecanismo primario es de partición debido a la capa enriquecida con agua alrededor del substrato polar o cargado del substrato. El mecanismo secundario se basa en la interacción entre el analito y el resto de la superficie activa. La fase hidrofílica ligada genera retención para una amplia gama de analitos polares usando hasta un 20% de agua en la fase móvil.

Ejemplos en AccuCore UREA-HILIC

Especificaciones de las Columnas AccuCore UREA-HILIC
Descripción Partícula Longitud (mm) 2.1mm (DI) 3.0mm (DI) 4.6mm (DI)

2.6 mm

50 27726-052130 27726-053030 27726-054630
100 27726-102130 27726-103030 27726-104630
150 27726-152130 27726-153030 27726-154630
250 27726-252130 - -
10 (Defender, Pk 4) 27726-012105 - -
UNIGUARD Holder   - 852-00 852-00 850-00
UNIGUARD Junta   - 850-RT 850-RT 850-RT
Publicaciones disponibles en AccuCore
Thermo Scientific Accucore HPLC Columns Technical Guide. 
Ultimate Core Performance to Maximize Your Investment
Thermo Scientific Accucore HPLC Columns Technical Overview Comparison of Solid Core HPLC Column Performance Comparison of the Chromatographic Resolution of Solid Core 4 μm and Fully Porous 3 μm and 5 μm Columns What Pressure to Expect from the Thermo Scientific Accucore HPLC Columns? Assessment of the Stability of 4 µm Solid Core Particles for the Analysis of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Selectivity Choices in RP Fast LC
Guía Técnica, 7.4Mb

Guía Técnica, 715Kb

Nota Técnica, 685Kb Nota Técnica, 993Kb Nota Técnica, 590Kb Nota Técnica, 610Kb Nota Técnica, 1.6Mb

Aplicaciones disponibles en AccuCore Columna Categoría
Analysis of Azo Dyes Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column. RP-MS Alimentación
Analysis of B-agonists Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore Phenyl-Hexyl HPLC Column Phenyl-Hexyl Alimentación
Analysis of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HILIC HPLC Column HILIC Alimentación
Analysis of Sulphonamides Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Alimentación
Comparative Analysis of Cooking Oils Using a Solid Core HPLC Column C30 Alimentación
Determination of Catechins and Phenolic Acids in Red Wine by SPE and HPLC PFP Alimentación
Determination of 24 Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS and LC-MSMS Detection aQ Alimentación
Determination of Melamine in Powdered Milk by LC-MS/MS Using a Core Enhanced Technology Solid Core HPLC Column HILIC Alimentación
Fast Analysis of Coffee Bean Extracts Using a Solid Core HPLC Column RP-MS Alimentación
Separation of a Mixture of Vitamin K Isomers Using a Solid Core C30 HPLC Column at Sub-ambient Temperature C30 Alimentación
Separation of Curcuminoids from Turmeric – Comparison of Polar Embedded and C18 Solid HPLC Core Columns POLAR-Premium Alimentación
LC-MS/MS Method for the Rapid Analysis of Five Artificial Sweeteners Using a Core Enhanced Technology Column RP-MS Alimentación
Analysis of Six Aromatic Amines Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column PFP Ambiente
Analysis of Triazine Pesticides Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Ambiente
Analysis of PAHs Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column RP-MS Ambiente
Separation of Urea Herbicides Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column RP-MS Ambiente
Separation of a Mixture of PCBs Using an Accucore C18 HPLC Column C18 Ambiente
Separation of Phospholipids Derived from Biological Extracts using an Accucore RP-MS RP-MS Bio-Farma
Separation of Peptides Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Bio-Farma
Analysis of 2-aminobenzamide Labeled Dextran Ladder on a Solid Core HPLC Column Amide-HILIC-150A Amide-HILIC Bio-Farma
Analysis of 2-aminobenzamide Labeled Dextran Ladder on a Solid Core nano-LC Column Amide-HILIC Bio-Farma
Reversed-Phase Analysis of a Monoclonal Antibody on an Accucore 150-C4 HPLC Column C4-150 Bio-Farma
Separation of Metformin and Voglibose using an Accucore HILIC Column HILIC Clínica
An Improved Fast RP-HPLC Method for Rosuvastatin & its Degradation Products Using an Accucore PFP Column PFP Clínica
Analysis of Catecholamines Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column HILIC Clínica
Analysis of Estradiol and Estrone Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column RP-MS Clínica
Analysis of Steroids Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column RP-MS Clínica
Analysis of Estrogens Using a Solid Core HPLC Column Phenyl X Phenyl-X Clínica
LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Paclitaxel in Human Serum RP-MS Clínica
HPLC-UV Method for the Fractionation of Basic and Neutral Compounds RP-MS Clínica
Determination of Beta Blockers from Urine Using SOLA CX and Accucore Core Enhanced Column C18 Clínica
LC-MSMS Method for the Determination of Steroids from Urine Using SOLA RP-MS Clínica
Pregabalin Human Plasma SPE LCMS SOLA CX Mixed Mode SPE Cartridges and an Accucore PFP HPLC Column PFP Clínica
Fast, Reproducible LC-MSMS Analysis of Dextromethorphan and Dextrorphan C18 Clínica
LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Paclitaxel in Human Serum RP-MS Clínica
Mixed-Mode, Weak Anion-Exchange, Solid-Phase Extraction Method for the Extraction of Niflumic Acid from Human Plasma RP-MS Clínica
Analysis of 3 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Accucore Polar Premium POLAR-Premium Farma
Analysis of Beta Blockers Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column RP-MS Farma
Analysis of Cetirizine Hydrochloride Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column HILIC Farma
Analysis of Fenoprofen Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column RP-MS Farma
Analysis of Ibuprofen and Valerophenone by LCUV Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Farma
Analysis of Lamivudine Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column aQ Farma
Analysis of Lisinopril by LCUV Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore RP-MS Column RP-MS Farma
Analysis of Zidovudine Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Farma
Comparison of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Analysis in CET Accucore HILIC and aQ HPLC Columns HILIC Farma
Fast, Reproducible LC-MS/MS Analysis of Dextromethorphan and Dextrorphan C18 Farma
High-Throughput Analysis of Dextromethorphan and Dextrorphan C18 Farma
Rapid Separation of Analgesic Compounds Using a Solid Core HPLC Column-Accucore-urea-HILIC Urea-HILIC Farma
Separation of Acidic and Neutral Drugs Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Farma
Capecitabine in Human Plasma Using SOLA and Accucore Core Enhanced Technology HPLC Column PFP Farma
Doxepin in Human Plasma Using SOLA and Accucore Core Enhanced Technology HPLC Column C18 Farma
LC-MSMS Method for the Determination of HCTZ and Losartan from Human Plasma Using SOLA CX aQ Farma
Determination of Rosuvastatin in Human Plasma by SPE-LC-MSMS Using SOLA RP-MS Farma
Amlodipine in Human Plasma Using SOLA CX and Accucore RPMS Column RP-MS Farma
LC-MSMS Method for the Determination of Docetaxel in Human Serum for Clinical Research RP-MS Farma
Analysis of Explosives Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column C18 Forense
Analysis of Testosterones Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column.pdf RP-MS Forense
Analysis of 14 Positional Isomers Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column.pdf PFP General
Comparison of Solid Core HPLC Column Performance Accucore/Competencia General
Fast Analysis of Ketones Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column.pdf C18 General
Selectivity Choices in Reversed-Phase Fast LC Accucore General
Separation of Bases Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column.pdf RP-MS General
The Fast Analysis of 6 Benzoic Acids Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column.pdf C18 General
What Pressure to Expect from the Thermo Scientific Accucore HPLC Columns Accucore General

Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography: Some Aspects of Solvent and Column Selectivity

HILIC General
Analysis of Cathechins Using a Thermo Scientific Accucore XL C8 4 um HPLC Column C8 XL
Analysis of Endocrine Disruptors Using a Thermo Scientific Accucore XL C8 4 µm HPLC Column C8 XL
Analysis of Fat Soluble Vitamins Using a Thermo Scientific Accucore XL C18 4 µm HPLC Colum C18 XL
Analysis of Ibuprofen and Valerophenone Using a Thermo Scientific Accucore XL C18 4 µm HPLC Column C18 XL
Analysis of Triazines Using a Thermo Scientific Accucore XL C8 4 µm HPLC Column C8 XL
Assessment of the Stability of XL Solid Core Particles for the Analysis of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs C8 XL
Comparison of the Chromatographic Resolution of Solid Core 4 μm and Fully Porous 3 μm and 5 μm Columns XL/AccuCore XL
Solid Core 4 um HPLC Column Comparison to Fully Porous 3 um and 5 um Columns_ Efficiency and Pressure XL/AccuCore XL

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